"north""south""east""west""up ""down""n ""s ""e ""w ""u ""d ""debug""save""restore""stop""quit""score""help""diagnose""inventory""i ""look""l ""jump""sail""land""wait""shit""command""suicide""q ""again""heat""travel""spell""move""fuck""write""wake""light""go ""kill""attack""stab""get""take""drop""put""throw""eat""drink""blow""give""say""climb""read""examine""check""break""rub""kiss""open""close""unlock""lock""wear""enter""stun""crawl""disintegrate""fireball""wind""cold""Obvious Way(s) to go ""Visible item(s) :""What should I do ""I need an object for this verb.""How can I ""I don't know how to ""I don't know what is ""Affirmative (y/n) ?""I can't go that way.""O K !""Don't be ridiculous !""( press any key to continue )"" here.""%.""I'm carrying :""."" slain !"" taken !"" dropped !""the ""in ""on ""into""to what ?""out""with what ?""at what ?""Wait a minute !
""Interesting !
""( use with extreme caution )""Disintegration.""Lighting or Darkness.""Fireball.""Wind or Cold Blast.""Lightning Bolt.""Spell of Travelling.""I moved ""eyes""footprint""spell""light""disintegrate""fireball""wind""cold""bolt""blast""I see nothing special about the ""I find nothing unusual about the ""It seems to be another ordinary ""This file isn't for this set !""This file isn't a transfer file.""Insert the program disk.""Filename :""Land of The Dead""a ""a glowing ""a wounded ""The ""passage"